The Way to Grow Orchids in Low Humidity

If you’re selling your home, orchids can add color and elegance and might add allure. The species thrive in states and have temperature and humidity requirements. The University of Nebraska in Lincoln states that depending on the species, orchids prefer temperatures between 55 and 80 degrees and relative humidity between 80 percent and 40 percent. In dry conditions, moisture is lost by these crops through pores. If your home has a low relative humidity, you can easily maintain humidity levels for your orchid.

Prepare a humidity tray by putting pebbles and water in a tray, making sure that the water doesn’t reach the top of the pebbles. Place the container . To reduce root rot, the water must not touch.

Keep a humidifier. Use a humidifier that generates a mist so that the temperature will stay cool enough. A steam can make the air too warm for the plant.

Keep your orchid in a space that is always humid, such as the bathroom. In which the plant could receive moisture from water that is warm, you can place the orchid near your kitchen sink.

Arrange several orchids in a bunch, but don’t crowd the plants. The orchids will create a humid microclimate as they discharge moisture. Allow sufficient space between the crops for air circulation, which helps prevent bacterial and fungal diseases.

Cover the orchid with a transparent plastic jar when the air is dry. The traps the moisture produces a humid environment and produced by the plant.

Mist the orchid’s foliage in the daytime when the plant remains in a hot environment. To minimize the probability of fungal or bacterial growth, don’t mist from the afternoon or day, and don’t allow standing water to stay in the container.

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