How Long to Wait to Plant Watermelon Later Fertilizer?

Watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) are warm-season fruits that are extremely sensitive to cold. They should be planted only when the soil temperature rises around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Because they are planted so late, other plants in the garden might determine when soil preparation with fertilizer occurs. However, when preparing dirt particularly for watermelons, the sort of fertilizer that you use will determine the length of time it is necessary to wait for soil preparation and planting.

Uncomposted Organics

Uncomposted organics, such as animal manures, are turned to the soil before planting and also have a complete set of nutrients for growing watermelons. Nutrient ratios for raw animal and bird manures are between 0.5-0.2-0.4 and 4.5-2-2 based on the origin and contain the crucial micro-nutrients. Uncomposted organics aren’t completely decomposed and can burn off new plant roots if seeds are planted too soon after application. Wait at least 14 days prior to planting the watermelon seeds after using these products.


Composted fertilizers are organic wastes that are decomposed by microbes. If the compost is made solely from lawn wastes, the sulfur content can be extremely low and the compost will need to be mixed with a nitrogen-rich fluid such as animal manure. Blending compost and animal manure in a 1-to-1 ratio can significantly lessen the chance of burning off the watermelon roots. When mixing compost with animal manure, watermelons can be planted just a few days after application. If utilizing compost lonely, watermelons can be planted immediately.

Synthetic Fertlizers

Artificial fertilizers are salts that discharge usable nutrients to the soil with rain or irrigation. They do not require a waiting period between mixing with the dirt and planting, but the quantity of synthetic fertilizer used should be carefully quantified. Too much artificial fertilizer added to the ground will likely burn the roots of watermelons no matter how long you wait to plant the seeds.

Cover Crops

Cover crops are plants that are grown to your half-mature stage and then plowed under the ground. This procedure enhances soil structure and adds natural nutrients to the ground in a single therapy. The use of cover crops, such as soybeans in the summer or cereal rye in winter, will greatly reduce the need for additional fertilizer during the growing season. A cover crop should be plowed under the soil three to four weeks prior to planting seeds in the garden.

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