How to Remove Glue from an Installed Wooden Floor

Installing a hardwood floor can be an arduous process, and it may leave a mess behind. Besides dust and wood shavings, you might come across some blobs of glue glue which was vital to the installation. Think of this as a temporary issue and attack it first with ice to literally freeze the glue. Failing that, ramp up your efforts with some other household goods. In no time, you will agree the fuss and bother of installing the hardwood flooring was well worthwhile.

Poke in the glue with a cotton swab to determine its resiliency factor. If some or all of the glue lifts, then you are able to safely clean out the place on the floor. If the glue will not budge, prepare to provide the ice plenty of time to work.

Cover the glue place with a paper towel to supply some protection into the wooden floor as the ice melts.

Place several ice cubes in a plastic sandwich bag. Ensure there are sufficient ice cubes in the bag to fully cover the glue spot on the floor.

Set the sandwich bag full of ice above the paper towel along with the glue place. Weigh down the bag with a heavy object to speed the procedure, if at all possible. A brick is excellent for this particular job; a hefty novel is a worthy substitute.

Check the glue place every 30 minutes. Pry in the place with a cotton swab to assess its consistency. If it becomes hard and brittle, push the glue place to break it away from the floor, with the cotton swab.

Ramp your attempts using spray lubricant into the dried glue. Allow it to sit for 20 minutes. Pry the glue away with a cotton swab. Wipe the area with a moist cloth.

Open your refrigerator and your kitchen pantry and choose products that contain natural oils or acidity to break down the glue residue. One at time, rub mayonnaise, lemon juice, peanut and white vinegar on the blob of glue. Allow each to sit a minimum of 20 minutes to break down the glue. Wipe away the glue, using a moist cloth.

Clean out the place on the floor after the glue is removed, using a hardwood floor cleaner or a damp sponge and a little gentle soap.

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