The Way to Paint Initials on Ceramic Tile for Coasters

To produce personalized and affordable coasters, paint ceramic tiles using bows. A premade stencil provides a specific font typeface and much more control over paint application, or you could make a personalized stencil if you would like your own design. When you have confidence in your painting capability and want more originality in your project, paint the ceramic tile coasters freehand.

Wash the tiles with mild soap and water, scrubbing with a stiff brush to remove dust or dirt. Implement tile cleaner if you’re using used or old shingles for the coaster project. Allow to dry.

Plan the design by selecting a veil style and paint colors for the initials. Calculate the size of the initials you wish to paint based on the size of the tile. Paint the foundation of the tile or leave it unpainted, as desired.

Squeeze paint on a palette or into little mugs, separated by color.

Attach the stencil into the tile and carry it place with painters tape to keep it from moving around. Apply paint with a brush into the inside of the stencil. Skip this step if you plan to paint the initials freehand.

Sketch out the outline of the first on the tile lightly with a pencil to make a rule to follow. Apply paint to your tile using a paintbrush based on the rule.

Allow the tile to dry fully. After it’s thoroughly dry, spray one coat of acrylic or polyurethane sealant to protect the design and increase the durability of the coaster. After the first coat dries, sand the tile lightly with 400-grit sandpaper, and then dust with a soft cloth. Apply an additional coat of acrylic, then sand the tile lightly once again following the second coat dries. Gently wipe with a soft cloth to remove the dust. The sanding creates a slightly rough surface so that moist cups or items do not stick to the tile.

Attach self-adhesive cork dots to the base of the tile so it doesn’t hurt the surface on which it sits.

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