How Long to Wait to Plant Watermelon Later Fertilizer?

Watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) are warm-season fruits that are extremely sensitive to cold. They should be planted only when the soil temperature rises around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Because they are planted so late, other plants in the garden might determine when soil preparation with fertilizer occurs. However, when preparing dirt particularly for watermelons, the sort of fertilizer that you use will determine the length of time it is necessary to wait for soil preparation and planting.

Uncomposted Organics

Uncomposted organics, such as animal manures, are turned to the soil before planting and also have a complete set of nutrients for growing watermelons. Nutrient ratios for raw animal and bird manures are between 0.5-0.2-0.4 and 4.5-2-2 based on the origin and contain the crucial micro-nutrients. Uncomposted organics aren’t completely decomposed and can burn off new plant roots if seeds are planted too soon after application. Wait at least 14 days prior to planting the watermelon seeds after using these products.


Composted fertilizers are organic wastes that are decomposed by microbes. If the compost is made solely from lawn wastes, the sulfur content can be extremely low and the compost will need to be mixed with a nitrogen-rich fluid such as animal manure. Blending compost and animal manure in a 1-to-1 ratio can significantly lessen the chance of burning off the watermelon roots. When mixing compost with animal manure, watermelons can be planted just a few days after application. If utilizing compost lonely, watermelons can be planted immediately.

Synthetic Fertlizers

Artificial fertilizers are salts that discharge usable nutrients to the soil with rain or irrigation. They do not require a waiting period between mixing with the dirt and planting, but the quantity of synthetic fertilizer used should be carefully quantified. Too much artificial fertilizer added to the ground will likely burn the roots of watermelons no matter how long you wait to plant the seeds.

Cover Crops

Cover crops are plants that are grown to your half-mature stage and then plowed under the ground. This procedure enhances soil structure and adds natural nutrients to the ground in a single therapy. The use of cover crops, such as soybeans in the summer or cereal rye in winter, will greatly reduce the need for additional fertilizer during the growing season. A cover crop should be plowed under the soil three to four weeks prior to planting seeds in the garden.

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How Much Space Between Ponderosa Pines?

Majestic ponderosa pines (Pinus ponderosa) stretch to a mature height of over 100 feet tall when permitted to grow for several centuries at U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8. Decorated with needle tufts along the branches, this evergreen plant resembles a Christmas tree when it is immature. Growing these pines however, requires consideration of the spacing, particularly if you’re planting more than one tree at a line formation.

Ideal Spacing for Young Trees

The spacing between each plant ranges from 3 to 10 feet when planting saplings or ponderosa seeds. If you’re attempting to set a tree which will remain in position for a period of time, it is the trees to 10 feet. Its girth grows as wide as 6 feet as the tree grows. Retaining good spacing between trees reduces competition that may harm more or one of the crops. For instance ponderosas deal with drought by using moisture reservations that are internal, however, young saplings must have ample water or else they may wilt and be stunted.

Root Spread

Ponderosa pines use a deep taproot as a institution base whilst sending shallow to deep fibrous roots out in the soil structure. To get a young tree, these roots desire a soil environment to ward off disease and decay. If you distance amend the soil as needed and the pines properly, the roots have enough space and soil structure to propagate wide as a tree establishment that is solid. Planting the pines triggers root competition and intertwining; than another, one tree gains moisture and nutrients in any stage , causing dieback from the afflicted pine.

Crown Expansion

Another factor that is spacing is the width of your crown. At maturity, the pyramid shape changes to a tall arrangement with branches the canopy starts to crowd trees, although both the root and trunk system have enough distance. It may be necessary to thin your ponderosa pine collection by transferring young trees until they grow too tall. If abandoned without maintenance become intertwined. Any branches turn into nightmares to cut and form, if you anticipate pruning the pines.

Sun Considerations

Your spacing impacts the trees’ ability to grow over the years. Requiring sun, ponderosa pines suffer from growth if shaded during the vast majority of the day, stunting. Appropriate spacing allows sun to penetrate between trees, particularly when the sun dips down during winter. As these trees are generally used as windbreaks onto a house, allowing some distance between the trees allows you to have any breezes throughout the year whilst protecting the house from drafts.

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Landscape Mulch Before & After

Mulching helps control weeds, conserves moisture, maintains an even soil temperature and prevents soil erosion through wind and rain. Plant based mulches such as straw, bark or leaf waste, also enrich your land. What you must do before and after mulching depends upon soil temperature, moisture levels and time annually.


The best time to lay mulch is when the soil is nice and moist, since it helps seal in the humidity and it is difficult for rain to penetrate whether the soil under the mulch is dry. When sowing seeds, then it is a fantastic idea to wait until late spring before mulching, to give the dirt time to warm up, as most seeds need warmth to germinate. The best time of year to mulch is early summer, when the soil is warm and moist.


If you’re applying mulch for your house garden for the first time, then you can lay cardboard or paper, then apply the mulch on top. It’s difficult for weed seedlings and shoots to penetrate the paper. If you put in your paper beneath a drip irrigation system, you may still achieve it easily for maintenance. Leaving a space of approximately 2 inches around woody stems or tree trunks prevents the moist paper from encouraging rot.

After Mulching

To plant at a mulched bed, then it is ideal to push the mulch aside and cut an X in the paper. Then you’re able to pull the sides of the plant and cut at the space, shut the sides when you’ve finished and spread the mulch back to your plant. As the year progresses, plant-based mulches decompose and add nutrients to your soil, which means you’ll need to top it up, but stop as winter approaches, as plants need drainage through the winter months.

Distinct Mulches

You must employ coarse-textured mulches at approximately 4 inches deep and fine-textured ones 2 inches deep, since they pack down closely. Bark mulches have a while to rot down, which means you can not need to top these up for a year or more. Wheat and oat straw contain weed seeds, which you will need to kill before usage. One way to do this is to leave the bales exposed to winter rain for a month, however, remember to leave them in which you plan to utilize them because soaked bales are heavy to transfer.

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When to Fertilize & Plant Grass With Dogs

Planting and maintaining your yard can quickly develop into a lost cause when you have dogs which often play and remove in the areas you’ve planted. New grass demands a window of time free of damaging aspects like playful pups running around on it. Fertilizer, on the other hand, can be a danger to your furry family members.

Seed Vs. Sod

The one major advantage of seeding your new yard above buying sod is cost. Another advantage is the various hybrid mixtures available in seed. But when you have puppies, seeding can pose problems, as you want to keep your pooches off of the young tender grass for a period of time. Sod, on the other hand, is slightly more hardy against foot traffic, although you and your dogs should steer clear of the new sod for the first 4 to 6 weeks. Planting from seed should always be done in the spring or fall, waiting until the danger of frost has passed in the spring as well as you allow plenty of time for the roots to develop until cold temperatures hit in the fall. Generally speaking, warm-season species should be planted in spring and cool-season grasses should be planted in fall. Plant sod anytime throughout the calendar year, except during very cold temperatures or extreme heat.

Protecting New Grass

Once you’ve sown the seeds for planting, cover them with 1 inch of a medium layer of straw to help maintain the required moisture and provide a little protection to the seed from the dog’s paws. While the grass is sprouting, take your dog out on a leash or give him a tie-out which will keep him off from the germinating grass or new sod. You can also put up a temporary fence made from poultry wire and stakes, much like you would do to keep animals from a vegetable garden.


Generally speaking, lawns are fertilized while the grass is growing. To get cool-season grasses, this is during the spring and fall. Warm-season grasses tend to develop during the summertime. You can generally use a pesticide specifically intended for new lawns, but a soil test will tell you exactly how much and what types of fertilizer to use. The fertilizing time does not change because of your dog, however you will have to keep your dog safe from the potentially hazardous side effects of the fertilizer.

Security Factors

Some fertilizers are completely safe for the dog, even when he eats it. Others, however, can cause mild to serious side effects and deaths have happened from fertilizer exposure. The fertilizer you choose will most likely mention the level of security to pets around the label. The package should also record how long to keep your dog away from the fertilized area. Even though you do not see your dog eating the fertilizer off the ground, it may get stuck on his paws or coat and ingested during cleaning.

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List of Aquatic Plants

Aquatic plants include more than just aesthetic value to bodies of water; they all play a vital role in creating a balanced ecosystem. Aquatic plants help keep the water cool and function as a food source for wildlife. Aquatic plants may typically be split into classes based on their specific feature: submersible, emergent and floating.

Submersible Plants

The plants which grow entirely under the water are known as submersible plants. Their leaves generally float through the water but might develop long leaf that goes to the surface. A few examples of submersible crops are Canadian waterweed (Elodea canadensis) and hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) both growing in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10. Canadian waterweed creates dropping lanced shaped foliage that acts as a cover for insect larvae, fish and other aquatic wildlife. Hornwort has feather-like leaf and also is often used as a aquarium plant for its oxygenating properties.

Emergent Plants

Emergent plants are rooted in the bottom of bodies of water but grow well over the water. Many of these aquatic plants grow in several inches of standing water with soggy soil such as the conditions located at the edge of ponds, lakes and streams. These aquatic plants help prevent erosion and stabilize banks while providing food and cover for aquatic wildlife, beneficial insects and amphibians. Cattails (Typha spp.) , rushes (Juncus spp.) and sedges (Carex spp.) Are a couple of plants that are emergent. Depending on the species, these grass-like aquatic plants grow in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 10.

Floating Acids

Floating aquatic plants have foliage that floats on the surface of the water. All these vital plants supply food, shelter and cover to amphibians, turtles and aquatic life. Among the most popular aquatic plants is waterlilles (Nymphaea spp.) , which grow in USDA zones 3 through 11. They create large lily pad foliage that floats on the water surface and magnificent flowers. Floating hearts (Nymphoides spp.) — located in USDA zones 5 through 11 — appear like a smaller version of the waterlily and create blooms which are not as impressive. Water shield (Brasenia schreberi) creates broad foliage which has a shield-like shape and delicate purple blooms sitting just above the water surface. This floating aquatic plant grows in USDA zones 6 through 9.

Undesirable Plants

Not all aquatic plants have been desired; a few species are thought to be unwanted due to their aggressive nature. Among the most popular undesirable aquatic plants is algae, which grows rapidly and produces the water appear dirty. Algae are really not a plant but also a plant-like organism which covers the surface of the water. Algae can grow in such abundance that it kills desirable aquatic plants and also threatens the life of aquatic wildlife such as fish. Duckweed (Lemna minor) has both positive and negative facets. This small free-floating aquatic plant acts as a food source for ducks but multiplies quickly and can protect the entire surface of slopes. It grows in USDA zones 4 through 10 and can be found in ponds, mud puddles and slow-moving streams.

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How to Propagate Lemon Verbena

Lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla), some small species of perennial shrub, is grown for its slender, aromatic foliage and dainty flower clusters, that include ornamental appeal in the summer. It rises in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 to 10, where it will reach a rise of 1 to 3 feet using an 18-inch spread. Lemon verbena propagates best from semi-hardwood cuttings taken in midsummer, which will root in a couple of weeks — with or without rooting hormone — if kept under warm, humid conditions.

Fill a 4-inch plastic or terra cotta pot using a mixture of equal parts perlite, coarse sand and coir. Saturate the mixture with water and let it drain.

Collect a 4- to 6-inch-long semi-hardwood cutting out of a mature, healthy lemon verbena plant. Pick one with lots of leaf, no busy flowers along with a stem diameter of about 1/4 inch.

Sever the cutting edge 1/16 inch under a set of leaves with sharp pruning shears or a utility blade. Strip off all the leaves out of along the lower one-half of the cutting edge to expose the nodes.

Dust the severed end and exposed nodes using rooting hormone powder to accelerate root manufacturing, if wanted. Apply the powder using a clean cotton swab. Gently tap or visualize the stem to knock off excess powder.

Poke a hole in the center of this perlite mixture. Be sure the hole deep enough to hold the defoliated portion of this lemon verbena stem. Insert the stem and then push the perlite mix snugly against it. Drizzle water around the stem to settle on the mix.

Place the potted lemon verbena cutting within a 1-gallon clear plastic bag. Secure the bag around the underside of the pot using a rubber band. Make a 1-inch cut in the cover of the bag to allow any trapped moisture to escape.

Set the pot on a lightly shaded garden seat outside or indoors on an east-facing windowsill. Warm the pot to 70 degrees Fahrenheit using a propagation mat if daytime temperatures remain below 65 F. Shield the cutting from direct sunlight to keep it from wilting.

Remove the plastic bag every other day and test the moisture level in the perlite mix. Add water when it feels mostly dry under the surface. Mist the lemon verbena cutting with water to keep the leaves hydrated.

Check for roots in three to four weeks by gently pulling the base of the stem. Feel whether the cutting has anchored to the perlite mixture by roots. Remove the plastic bag one week after rooting.

Transplant the lemon verbena into a 4-inch container full of potting soil fourteen days after it roots. Grow it under gently shaded conditions. Acclimate it to direct sunlight within several days in early fall, then transplant it into a permanent bed.

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How Does Hay Affect the Growth of New Grass?

Seeding a lawn requires time and effort, and element of this process is ensuring that the bud seeds have the best chance for success. Including a mulch enables the seeds grow into a thick, lush lawn, but it needs to be the right sort of mulch so that the seeds get the right quantity of sunlight and moisture while being protected. Using hay for a grass seed mulch has pros and cons. It provides the right kind of protection, but you could end up with unwanted weeds and grasses mixed in with the growing seeds.

How Hay Helps

Hay helps grass seed grow in several ways. The main role of using a sulfur over grass seed is to maintain moisture, plus hay efficiently does that. Grass seed needs to remain constantly moist to germinate, and spreading hay over the area helps maintain moisture without allowing the ground get too wet, which might make the seeds moldy. The hay helps maintain the newly turned soil in place, preventing sediment so the seeds remain contact with the soil. Also, it adds nutrients to the soil as it decomposes, helping feed your grass as it grows.

Hay’s Downside

Although hay offers several advantages to grass seed, it can result in problems that outweigh the perks. Hay is cut while the bud is flourishing and full of nutrition so that it may be dried and used as livestock food. Unfortunately, that usually means the hay contains seeds from both the forage grasses and weeds. Even though hay is dried until it is offered, the dormant seeds may germinate given the right conditions — often the exact same conditions your grass seed requirements. Using hay as a mulching material for your seeded lawn might cause weeds and unwanted grasses sprouting from the seeds at the hay. These sprouts take nutrients and moisture from the grass seed.

Types of Hay

Hay isn’t the most typical kind of mulch for newly seeded grass — straw is the mulch of choice. Straw is produced from the stalks leftover grain seeds heads are picked, meaning it doesn’t have as many weed or grass seeds. Standard hay fodder comprises these seeds, but salt marsh hay gives an alternate. Salt marsh hay has strong stalks that provide protection for the grass seed longer than standard hay or straw, and many seeds hidden in the bundles thrive only in marshy, salty conditions which aren’t located on your lawn.

Proper Use

Getting the most from this hay mulch — rather the salt marsh hay — means locating the proper coverage balance. The hay should maintain moisture without keeping the ground wet; some water has to be permitted to evaporate to keep the seeds from rotting. Expand the hay at a layer thin enough which it is possible to observe the soil in spots involving the stems so sunlight can penetrate and moisture can escape. Sloped areas might need up to 80 to 100 pounds of hay per 1,000 square feet, while level areas require 30 to 50 pounds within the same place.

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My Pumpkins Stopped Growing

Pumpkins, in all their variety, are the harbingers of autumn. Variegated orange and green, bright orange and even ivory, the sight of pumpkins signal cooler weather, harvest time and Halloween. The common field pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) rises well in United States Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 11. Despite their simplicity in growing, pumpkins require some basic services to generate the best harvest. Sometimes pumpkins may stop growing, which may be caused by different problems.

Lack of Water

Because they’re 90 percent water, pumpkins require daily watering. As soon as their source of water is diminished, their growth becomes stunted, resulting in smaller-than-expected pumpkins. To avoid this, ensure that your pumpkin vines get water daily. The ideal way of watering is a drip method or a soaker hose, which will keep the soil moist without demanding the vine’s foliage. Keep on watering until the ground is thoroughly moist, but not muddy. It’s common for pumpkin leaves to wilt in hot afternoon sunlight. If the foliage wilts before 11 a.m., the plant is too dry.

Not Enough Nutrients

Another reason for diminished size in pumpkins is a lack of appropriate nutrients in the ground. If pumpkins are grown in the same place every year, the soil becomes disconnected from the specific nutrients pumpkins need to live. Moreover, if the fertilizer used is not balanced — for instance, if there’s a greater proportion of nitrogen to phosphorous and potassium — the plant’s roots will grow at the cost of the vine, leaves and fruit. If fertilizer you’ve used in your own tonsils is of an unbalanced formula, then change to a fertilizer which has equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.

Disease Pathogens

Pumpkins are subject to diseases such as powdery mildew, a fungus which develops on leaves which are too wet. The fungus will kill the leaves and gradually kill the vine until its fruit can grow properly. Powdery mildew is readily avoided by watering the vines early in the morning, giving any water that might come in contact with the leaves plenty of time to dry before evening. Improve atmosphere circulation by ensuring enough space between plants, typically 5 to 6 feet.

Too Many Pumpkins per Vine

Each pumpkin vine can handle just a lot of fruit. If too many blossoms develop into pumpkins, each one will necessarily be smaller. To ensure larger fruit, pinch off female blossoms on vines that have fruit already.

Pollination Issues

A pumpkin plant’s first blossoms are of the male selection. Female blooms emerge later. For fruit to grow, pollen from the male blossom must come in contact, typically through pollinating insects, together with female blossoms. If female blossoms emerge before male blossoms, the consequent fruit will be underdeveloped, eventually drying. Female blossoms vary from male counterparts they have a swollen area at their foundation; male blossoms do not. To ensure that pumpkins are pollinating properly, examine the blossoms and make sure that there are both male and female blossoms at the same moment. Stressed pumpkin vines produce more male than female flowers. To avoid this, evaluate the growing environment and ensure that the plants have been watered and nourished well.

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Honeysuckle Butterfly Bush

With its delicate yellow blossoms and compact development, the “Butterfly” bush honeysuckle (Diervilla sessifolia “Butterfly”) is an appealing choice if you want to put in a new tree into your own garden. This plant shouldn’t be confused with the invasive butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii) which is banned for sale in several nations. Although low-maintenance, you must know about this bush’s growing demands before you make your purchase.

Size and Appearance

A mature “Butterfly” bush honeysuckle grows to about 5 feet tall and wide. The coppery new growth provides a colorful display in spring. The leaves turn dark green as they mature. From spring through the summer, the bush produces clusters of trumpet-shaped, pale yellow flowers which attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Although deciduous, the red stems of this “Butterfly” bush honeysuckle add a little color to the garden in winter.

Where to Grow

The “Butterfly” bush honeysuckle grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. The tree should be planted in either full sunlight or partial shade. If grown in full shade, the plant will get leggy and, if it blooms whatsoever, the flowering will be minimum.

Soil Needs

The “Butterfly” bush honeysuckle is going to do well in most soils but grows best in well-drained, loamy soil. Soil pH is not a issue with this plant, but drainage is. The tree will not thrive in areas of standing water or if it is planted in heavy clay soil because the poor drainage can lead to root rot.

Care and Maintenance

Once established, the “Butterfly” bush honeysuckle is a low-maintenance plant. It can also tolerate short periods with dry dirt. During dry spells, water the tree intensely when you first notice the leaves wilting. The plant does not need regular feeding, but can be mulched with compost to provide nutrients. In late February or early March, prune your “Butterfly” bush honeysuckle to remove any dead branches and to thin out and shape the tree. The plant can send out suckers and these should be cut to the ground when they look.

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When Do Willows Bloom?

Willow trees’ booming stage begins in February in warm areas, and it continues until June in colder climates. The trees’ long, tube-shaped blossom clusters called catkins produce their appearance just before leaves reappear on the branches. The flower clusters are full of nectar, which insects continue for pollination. Within 45 to 60 days after pollination, willow seeds are ripe and ready to begin another reproduction cycle.


Willow trees are characterized by long, narrow, pointed, slightly serrated leaves that are yellow green on the top and also have a white or light-green underside. Leaf color changes within the yellow-green range according to species. Most varieties are deciduous. All willows are dioecious, producing female or male catkins on separate trees. Willow seeds are from fruits located just on the female trees. The trees begin to reproduce by airborne seeds after 10 years. They grow quickly and live 55 to 70 years.


Willow trees with springtime bloom patterns include pussy willow, weeping willow and black willow. Salix caprea, also known as pussy willow, great sallow and goat willow, produces bright-white, slightly fuzzy blossoms on the male trees. The catkin flowers are 1 to 2 inches long, and each blossom is composed of numerous hairlike protrusions. The blossoms mature to yellow until they are disbursed by rain or wind. Both weeping willows and black willows have yellow, tubular-shaped blossoms. Black willow flowers open and float away, looking like white mist, even when they are pollinated.


The optimum age for a willow tree to reproduce is 25 to 75 years old. Willows produce large volumes of seeds each spring after the blooming phase. Seed capsules are light brown. At maturity, the capsules split open and release tiny, green seeds. Each fertilized seed has long, silky hairs that act as wings, allowing the seed to travel a long distance before falling to the ground. Willow seeds are distributed widely by water and wind. Each seed has a 12- to 24-hour time period in which to land and germinate. The seeds germinate best in quite moist soil conditions. Willow tree roots are propagated easily through cuttings. Roots form shallow networks near the ground.


The genus Willow (Silax) contains 90 varieties widely distributed across the eastern portion of america. Black willows, Scouler or mountain willows and Hooker willows are varieties often found in american U.S. zones. Willow trees adapt to many soil conditions but prefer a moist environment. They’re cultivated for erosion control since their extensive interlocking root systems form a barrier against water. Some non-native willow species are identified from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service as invasive plants due to their vigorously spreading root systems that overwhelm native vegetation. In traditional cultures, willow trees are valued as an early source of pollen for bees, as an excellent weaving material and for use in seasonal ceremonial practices.

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